[明日方舟:黎明前奏]《BE ME》
明日方舟:黎明前奏 - 主题曲_片尾曲ED
BE ME,是动漫《明日方舟:黎明前奏》中的主题曲、片尾曲ED。由Doul演唱。
《BE ME》——明日方舟:黎明前奏_主题曲_片尾曲ED
I belong in nowhere, solitary
我不曾属于哪里 唯孤独而已
I can see it ever fleeting
映入眼帘 却转瞬即逝的光影
A knot in my heart and it disappears
我心中的郁结 悄然消释
A note in for quiet and days of ease
零落音符 留存宁静安逸的光阴
Everyone has a domain allowing no one
Accuracy inside, yearned to find
曾多么渴求寻觅 内心确切的距离
I thought I had been understandin' it
我以为 自身已被包容理解彻底
It's buried in noise and withering
却裹挟淹没在噪音 只得凋零
Love the life you live, live the life you love
爱你所过的日子 享你所爱的光阴
Love the life you live, live the life you love
爱你所过的日子 享你所爱的光阴
All of you have to take
无论是谁 都得面对
And everybody else may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
无论是谁 都得面对
Soon, you will see
不久后 你便领会
All of you have to take
无论是谁 都得面对
And everybody's time may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
无论是谁 都得面对
Oh, you will see
不久后 你便领会
Answers seeked, the conflict, soar
寻过答案 急转高飞
Own Way progress, a long seen world
看遍了世界 走自己的路 其余无所谓
High end essential I touch, redeem soul
触及顶级精粹 救赎灵魂我绝不后悔
Through all the silence, a brand new wind blows
穿过世间沉默 未曾见过的狂风在吹
It's just like every shape is shown
I'm watchin' every shape you've shown
It's just like every shape is shown, shape is shown
好似已水落石出 拨云见日
Sentiments in purity, had it when young
年少伤感 无比纯粹
What are we to find Noise confines
我们该如何寻找 喧嚣桎梏作祟
It's sounding within, and it resonates, you
回响在内心深处 引起灵魂共鸣
Always have known it either way
而无论何种境遇 你皆心知肚明
Love the life you live, live the life you love
爱你所过的日子 享你所爱的光阴
Love the life you live, live the life you love
爱你所过的日子 享你所爱的光阴
All of you have to take
无论是谁 都得面对
And everybody else may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
无论是谁 都得面对
Soon, you will see
不久后 你便领会
All of you have to take
无论是谁 都得面对
And everybody's time may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
无论是谁 都得面对
Oh you will see
不久后 你便领会
Answers seeked, the conflict, soar
寻过答案 急转高飞
Own Way progress, a long seen world
看遍了世界 走自己的路 其余无所谓
High end essential I touch, redeem soul
触及顶级精粹 救赎灵魂我绝不后悔
This way forward, and now I see hope
前进不后退 希冀在不远处向我把手挥
Conflicts soared, the answer will show
高飞急转 答案就会显现
Right Way progress, my feet to make sure
绝不入歧途 脚踏实地 大步向前
Voice like eternity rings within notes
亘古的声音 在音符中回荡
Route is a definite, now the wind blows
前路坚定 此刻狂风吹拂 不再迷茫
类型: 科幻 战斗 奇幻
为躲避无规律发生的天灾,大多数泰拉人生活在移动城市中。天灾过后会留下蕴藏巨大能量的源石,这在给予文明飞跃进步的同时,也引发了极具传染性的不治之症——矿石病。致力于解决天灾与矿石病带来的诸多问题,罗德岛积极游走于泰拉的各个角落。同时自称“为感染者争夺基本权利”的整合运动,正在引发前所未闻的大规模暴动…… 动漫详情>>
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